Time - is fleeting ... has already passed seven years, and I remember her birth as it is now ... As a ray of light you came to our house - it is the very first lines that were written by me in her album ... Seven years ... how quickly children grow y ... I love you my angel)))
I had made for her doll .... the same light and with light hair, as my Evelina
All the beautiful day and good mood ... Natalie with love)))
Happy Birthday Evelina and also to you proud mother of this beautiful child! A lovely doll you made her! Greetings
Krásný den! Velké blahopřání malé Evelince k 7 narozeninám!
ОтветитьУдалитьPanenka se velmi podobá holčičce, jste šikulka!
Thank you very much for your comments ... I am very pleased that read my blog)))Natalie..
ОтветитьУдалитьHappy Birthday and the doll is very beautiful!
ОтветитьУдалитьHave a nice day,
Happy Birthday Evelina!The time that's right run...but beautiful vith them.:D
Ester and Monica thank you very much))) Good mood, Natalie)))